April 27th, 2018

Physical Beauty Vs Real Beauty

The first time I felt God's love, I broke down. I was so overwhelmed that I cried for days afterwards. Wow, it was amazing.  If I was ever asked to describe God's love, I would define it as inexpressible because there are truly no words capable of articulating it. The love of God has now become a feeling that I’m very accustomed to. It reminds me daily of how beautiful I am; it makes me see myself as the daughter of a heavenly King. His love has allowed me to locate my beauty in His word rather than the world. 

The dictionary defines beauty as an ideal which pleases the senses or mind aesthetically. This definition shows that beauty itself is subjective and the extent of that subjectivity has become increasingly collective in today's society. In looking at the beauty and cosmetic industry alone, words such as ‘flawless’, ‘glowing’ and 'snatched’ are synonymous with beauty. If you’re not desiring to have a flawless complexion or contoured features, then you are not upholding appropriate beauty standards. The same issue applies to our bodies, with a lot of us constantly trying to alter our physique to mimic what the world has classed as beautiful. Without knowing or fully acknowledging it, we are internalising  these worldly standards and using them to undervalue our God given beauty.

Don’t do that to yourself, don’t allow the superficiality and ungodliness of today's society to distract you from your true beauty and perfection. Sometimes as Christians we forget that we are made in the image of God. Are you aware that as a child of God YOU have no flaws because you are perfect just like your heavenly father? 

You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect’ 

Mathew 5 vs 48 

The truth is that I’m not just beautiful, I am also perfect and as long as you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour; so are you. 

 A few weeks ago God laid this verse of the bible on my heart; 

You are altogether beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you’ 

 Songs of Solomon 4 vs 7

When I heard that verse I started to look at myself and I wondered, God, I have so many flaws. I have hyperpigmentation on my left cheek, I have scars on my legs from when I got burnt as a child and I have a plethora of stretch marks on my bum! In response, God, being the mysterious, yet compassionate Father that He is, didn’t reply to me with words, instead He filled me with a familiar feeling that instantly took away all thoughts of self-criticism and judgement – His love. That day I realised that there is a difference between physical and real beauty. I am not my flaws, I am not my figure, I am not defined by my physical appearance. I am SO much more than that because I have the greatest force living inside of me – The Holy Spirit, and He reminds me daily that my true beauty is found in God's word. 

Although this blog will inform skincare and wellness practices, it Is important to me that my readers understand that there is NO beauty fix or health guidance that can secure you in the true reality of your beauty as well as God's word.


Written by Demi Osunsina


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