April 18th, 2018

The Day Jesus Saved Me

On the 1st of January 2018 I had an encounter with God that changed my life. I began to transform (and I'm currently still transforming) into the person I was born to be. The transition wasn’t immediate, in fact, it was slow, intense, onerous and amazing all at the same time. That day will always be marked by me as the best day of my life.

I grew up as a Christian, going to church and praying often. I read devotionals occasionally and the bible app was my best friend; I mean some ‘verses of the day’ really spoke to me and I assumed that my connection with God was intact and genuine. I was fully aware of God's love for me, I knew His love was unconditional and that he was merciful. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t feeling that love to the extent of its availability.

On the 1st day of this year, I felt like I had accessed a little bit of that love. It was just a speck in comparison to what I feel now but still, it was overwhelming. The thing is, God wants to really love us. He wants to shower us with all kinds of blessings and fruitful gifts but we won't let him. We’re limiting him to good grades, getting jobs, journey mercies and mundane things that are not true reflections of the love and affection he feels towards us. 


I love Jesus so much that I decided it wasn’t a good idea to keep it to myself anymore. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for years now, but of course, laziness, procrastination, self-doubt etc. got in the way. Obviously, because I have God on my side, such emotions are a thing of the past. They come around once in a while but they don’t stay for too long. 

Skinneeds is a platform that portrays three things that mean very much to me; God, skin-care and wellness. My aim is to make Godly knowledge easily accessible and relatable to you. God cares about your skin, he cares about your physical wellbeing, he cares about anything that makes you unhappy, and I understand that for some of us, our physical appearance is at the core of our occasional state of desolation. 

I want to break those strongholds permanently by showing and teaching you about the only intervention that can truly alleviate such feelings – God's love. I hope some of you connect with the information I’m going to convey here.

Excited for all that’s to come and I hope you are too. 



Written by Demi Osunsina


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