September 2, 2019
What Does It Mean to Encounter God?
I had my first transformative encounter when I was 20.
It was a love encounter. It wasn’t dramatic, I didn’t see angels and I didn’t miraculously start speaking in tongues. But I felt something. I felt God, so much so, that I started to cry uncontrollably.
Since then I've had many, many more encounters.
I think sometimes, as Christians, it’s easy to over spiritualise things. An encounter is simply a tangible experience with God that is personal to you. It could be a revelation you receive from reading the bible or watching a sermon. It could be a dream or a vision you received and will never forget. It could even be an impression you had that stopped you from making a huge mistake.
Encounters happen everyday and the likelihood is that you’ve had more than a few in your lifetime. The question is, are you paying attention?
Don’t lose hold of that child like faith. Don’t get so ‘mature’ that you begin to ignore the power of God at work, in and around you.
Written by Demi Osunsina